
    Cara Hotel

    Hollywood Walk Of Fame - 1.29 km from property


    1730 N Western Ave, Los Angeles (CA), California, 90027, United States
    0Guest rating 8.7

    Popular facilities

    Internet accessThings to do, ways to relaxCleanliness and safetyDining, drinking, and snackingServices and conveniencesAccessGetting aroundAvailable in all rooms

    Room Availability


    Choose your rooms

    Select your desired dates and the number of guests to find available rooms.


    Children and extra beds
    Extra beds are dependent on the room you choose. Please check the individual room capacity for more details.
    Minimum age of guests is: 0 year(s)
    Guest's ageExtra bed
    Children 0-0 year(s)
    Must use an extra bed
    If you need an extra bed, it will incur an additional charge
    Guests 1 years and older are considered as adults
    Must use an extra bed
    which will incur an additional charge

    Guests should provide a credit card card when checking in. The hotel will pre-authorize your card and the pre-authorization will be released if there's no extra spending or damage to the room when checking out. Some hotels and room types have special policies, please refer to the hotel.